Maintenance 18.12


Greetings Captain:

We are informing you that on 18. 12 ,2024, in the meantime 7:00 till 10:00 we plan scheduled maintenance works . And there will be a downtimes in services during the maintenance.

In this year’s Christmas event, we’ve prepared some events for you.

1. A Christmas Eve gift, need be online at 20:00 on 24.12;

2. 2024 Christmas Active event; from 18.12 to 09.01, 2025;

By daily challenging in-game instances [Golden Tower(floor 30-80),Suez Trials(floor5-30),Tauantinsuyu,Yizhou Boardwalk,Higurashi and Portobello Bay],players can obtain the event item---- 2024 Christmas Active Voucher.

2024 Christmas Active Voucher can be exchanged for the Newbie Assist Pack, Veteran Growth Pack and General Glory Pack in Seville Port.

3. New Item

Piggy package: 28 BBO-Coins for exchange . Max-limit amount of each character : 4000 ; Open it and may get divine refining items, Piggy Giftbag,Brave Pig Giftbag,Piggy Redemption Medal and etc.

NPC is named Christmas Exchanger in Seville Port ( 126.5, -38.2)

4. Guardian Fragments added in mall;


We thank you for your support and love for BBO and sincerely apologize for the possible inconvenience .
